About the Directory

"To be truly free, we must choose beyond simply surviving adversity, we must dare to create lives of sustained optimal well-being and joy."

bell hooks

Glow Creatively connects people with artists. We're a collective directory that uplifts the voices, experiences, and work of artists that make the world a better place. We catalog amazing artists so you can find and support art you love.

The directory is not open to all artists. We focus on highlighting artists that strive to thrive under imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy despite all of the forces working against them. Through creating and sharing their art, the artists you'll find here bring joy and well-being to their own lives and ours.

Glow Creatively is run by Lupe Nayeli. Lupe's a queer autistic artist from California. She lives in Los Angeles. Lupe's a bruja, a hamster mom, and an abuse survivor. She makes glitch art, paper marbling, and websites.

portrait of Lupe by @mika_illo